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Lawrenceville Rape Attorney
Serious Penalties with a Rape Conviction
In the context of a Georgia court of law, the felony crime of rape occurs when one or more people commit an act of sexual assault against a non-consenting person. In Georgia, sexual intercourse is necessary for the crime to be considered rape, and it is often perpetrated through physical force, under threat of violence or some other type of harm such as extortion, or occurs with someone who can neither communicate, nor give consent.
Rape is one of the more serious crimes a person can commit, with defendants facing 10 to 20 year sentences, life in prison or even death in some cases. If you or someone you care about has been charged with rape, contact our legal team as soon as possible to discuss your options. The sooner you act, the stronger defense can be constructed, and the better chance you have of avoiding conviction.
Protecting your Rights in Court
Rape charges can be very complicated because they are based in large part on witness testimony, mostly from the accuser and the accused. There are rarely any witnesses in cases of rape, which means the jury’s decision could come down to judgments of character. This can be dangerous for men accused of rape. For this reason alone, it is of the utmost importance that anyone facing rape charges or any other sex crime should contact an attorney from our firm as quickly as possible.
The Law Office of Robert L. Booker has an attorney available around the clock to speak with anyone charged of rape in Gwinnet County, Georgia. We are a compassionate law firm and understand the constitutional need for a fair trial and a strong defense. We are extremely thorough when it comes to making sure the accused have a well-documented and presented case that will provide the greatest opportunity for a favorable decision.
Contact Attorney Booker right away if you or someone you know has been accused of rape and is in need of a strong, confident and thorough defense.
What Sets Us Apart
Our team of skilled and understanding professionals proudly provides comprehensive and efficient services for all Clients.