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About Burglary Charges in Lawrenceville
Charged with burglary in Gwinnett County?
Burglary is a commonly misunderstood charge as many people think that it refers to stealing someone else’s property. In truth, burglary is the act of being on someone else’s property or in an area of that property without permission and with the intent to steal something, or to commit a felony. The act of stealing something is a theft crime and can be a felony or misdemeanor depending on the value of the property that was stolen. If you are on someone else’s property without permission and without the intent to steal, then you are guilty of a misdemeanor trespass, however, if you are trespassing and suddenly decide to steal something, a burglary charge would then apply because you developed intent. Burglary is a felony and can be punishable by serious prison time. If you have been arrested and charged with burglary, you need to call Attorney Booker at the firm as soon as possible to protect your rights and your future. The police and prosecution will use every possible tactic to build the strongest case against you; therefore it is critical that you have an attorney by your side that will fight for you. At the Law Office of Robert L. Booker, we are dedicated to providing you with caring personal attention.
Protecting Your Rights Now & for the Future
A burglary conviction will leave you with a criminal record and can make it difficult for you to seek employment, credit, or even find a place to live. The possible penalties for a burglary conviction are:
- For a first offense a prison sentence of between 1 and 20 years may be imposed.
- For a second offense, a sentence of between 2 and 20 years can be imposed.
- For a third offense a prison term of 5 to 20 years may be imposed.
With so much variation in the possible penalties, having a skilled and trusted lawyer fighting for you may be able to help you achieve the best possible outcome. Our firm is available to clients 24 hours a day, seven days a week and is committed to listening to your specific circumstances, thoroughly investigating your case, and tenaciously fighting for your best interests. So contact a lawyer from our firm to protect your rights and your future when you are facing a felony burglary charge.
What Sets Us Apart
Our team of skilled and understanding professionals proudly provides comprehensive and efficient services for all Clients.