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Lawrenceville Trespassing Defense Lawyer
Were You Arrested for Illegally Entering Someone Else's Property?
In Georgia, trespassing is a misdemeanor punishable by fines or possibly jail time. Under the law, trespassing can be interfering with another person’s use of personal property without their consent or entering someone’s land or premises after being warned to leave. Causing property damage of $500 or more can also fall under the category of trespassing.
If you have been arrested and charged for trespassing, you need to contact Robert Booker as soon as possible to help protect your rights and your freedom. Our attorney from Law Office of Robert L. Booker is dedicated to providing the personal service you deserve. At our firm, you are a person, not a number and we are available anytime day or night to answer your questions and to keep you fully informed about all of your legal options.
Being arrested and charged can be an intimidating experience but there may be defenses available to you. There may be questions about whether or not warning signs were posted, or whether you had an opportunity to leave the property after being informed that it was private property, or whether any damage was actually done. Proudly serving Gwinnett County, Attorney Robert Booker is dedicated to fighting for the best possible results for all of his clients.
Penalties for Trespassing in Georgia?
When found guilty of the misdemeanor charge of trespassing, the punishment can be as severe as a $1000 fine and up to one year in jail. If the jail sentence is less than 6 months, the judge has the discretion to order weekend confinement or to allow the sentence to be served during non-working hours. The judge might also opt for restitution, community service or some other combination of fines, restitution and community service. There are many factors that can influence a judge’s decision, such as whether or not there is an accompanying charge such as robbery, or which of the following types of trespassing have been filed:
- Trespassing offenses against personal property occur when someone knowingly and maliciously interferes with another person’s property without their consent.
- If more than $500 of damage is done to someone’s personal property, this can also be criminal trespass against property.
- Trespassing offenses against real property occur when someone enters onto another person’s land or premises after being informed to leave. It is also trespassing to enter someone’s land with the intention of committing a crime. In Georgia, it is also trespass entering another person’s vehicle without permission.
- Trespassing also includes any defacement or damage done to any military memorial or military grave marker.
Having a skilled lawyer by your side is critical when defending yourself against a trespassing charge where the court has so much discretion. At our firm, we are thorough and take the time to help all of our clients. Our confident and zealous approach to protecting your rights will help you when facing the stress and uncertainty of criminal charges.
Contact The Law Office of Robert L. Booker to help you defend a trespassing charge.
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